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A library that makes it easy to work with multiple translation file formats, written with highly efficient code, highly customizable (90%), supports Sound Null Safety.

Currently supported formats:

Created by Muhammad Hasan Alasady under a MIT LICENSE.


You have a lot of way to use this package, with internet, local file, assets file(In flutter), and from string. In this section you will learn how to use each of this:

  1. Internet Subtitles

    You have two ways to use subtitles on the internet, firstly using SubtitleController and it’s the easly way, secondly by using SubtitleProvider and SubtitleParser, this is both of ways:

var url = Uri.parse(
var controller = SubtitleController(
  provider: SubtitleProvider.fromNetwork(url),


var url = Uri.parse(
var controller = SubtitleController(
  provider: NetworkSubtitle(url),
var url = Uri.parse(

SubtitleProvider provider = NetworkSubtitle(url);
SubtitleObject object = await provider.getSubtitle();
SubtitleParser parser = SubtitleParser(object);     

After creating the controller you have to initialize it by call controller.initial(), it’s async function, so you have to await it.

await controller.initial();

When you intialize it, you can use this methods to dealing with subtitles:

  1. controller.subtitles: The List of subtitles.
  2. controller.durationSearch(<Your Duration>): Provide a duration to fetch the first subtitle in range of this duration.
  3. controller.multiDurationSearch(<Your Duration>): Provide a duration to fetch a list of subtitles in range of this duration.
  4. controller.getAll(<separator optional>): Return all subtitles as a single string with custom separator (default is ', ').

Check the API Reference or GitHub Wiki for more

  1. File Subtitles

    Like the last one, you have same two ways, just prepare your file, and replace the SubtitleProvider in all places to be SubtitleProvider.fromFile(file) or FileSubtitle(file)

var file = File('example/data.vtt');
var controller = SubtitleController(
  provider: SubtitleProvider.fromNetwork(file),


var file = File('example/data.vtt');
var controller = SubtitleController(
  provider: FileSubtitle(file),
var file = File('example/data.vtt');

SubtitleProvider provider = FileSubtitle(file);
SubtitleObject object = await provider.getSubtitle();
SubtitleParser parser = SubtitleParser(object);
  1. String Subtitles

    Same others just replace providers to be instance of StringSubtitle or SubtitleProvider.fromString().

  2. Flutter Asset

    In flutter asset case you have to create you class (called it like AssetSubtitle), by extends SubtitleProvider, and use rootBundle to load the string of asset file, after created it, do like first example, just replace providers to be instance of your new class, like:

class AssetSubtitle extends SubtitleProvider {
  /// The subtitle path in your assets.
  final String path;
  final SubtitleType? type;

  const AssetSubtitle(
    this.path, {

  Future<SubtitleObject> getSubtitle() async {
    // Preparing subtitle file data by reading the file.
    final data = await rootBundle.loadString(path);

    // Find the current format type of subtitle.
    final ext = extension(path);
    final type = this.type ?? getSubtitleType(ext);

    return SubtitleObject(data: data, type: type);

When you need to use it:

var path = 'files/subtitles/1.vtt';
var controller = SubtitleController(
  provider: AssetSubtitle(path),



import 'package:subtitle/subtitle.dart';

const vttData = '''WEBVTT FILE

00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:24.000
Which is why we are bringing TV, internet and phone together in <c.highlight>one</c> super package

00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:14.000 A:end
Phone conversations where people truly <c.highlight>connect</c>

00:00:03.500 --> 00:00:05.000 D:vertical A:start
Everyone wants the most from life

00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:09.000 A:start
Like internet experiences that are rich <b>and</b> entertaining

00:00:14.500 --> 00:00:18.000
Your favourite TV programmes ready to watch at the touch of a button

00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:26.000
<c.highlight>One</c> simple way to get everything

00:00:26.500 --> 00:00:27.500 L:12%

00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:30.000 L:75%
Simply for <u>everyone</u>''';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  //! By using controller
  var controller = SubtitleController(
      provider: SubtitleProvider.fromString(
    data: vttData,
    type: SubtitleType.vtt,

  await controller.initial();

  //! By using objects
  var object = SubtitleObject(
    data: vttData,
    type: SubtitleType.vtt,
  var parser = SubtitleParser(object);

void printResult(List<Subtitle> subtitles) {
  subtitles.sort((s1, s2) => s1.compareTo(s2));
  for (var result in subtitles) {
        '(${result.index}) Start: ${result.start}, end: ${result.end} [${}]');